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Home News Updates Major City Road Mbagathi Way Has Officially Been Renamed Raila Odinga

Major City Road Mbagathi Way Has Officially Been Renamed Raila Odinga

Major city road Mbagathi Way has officially been renamed Raila Odinga Way after a motion to do so was ratified by the Nairobi County Assembly.

The new signage was reportedly erected on the busy highway on Thursday night, following an October motion sponsored by Makongeni MCA Peter Imwatok who sought to rename the road after the former Prime Minister.

Imwatok argued that Odinga should be honored for his contribution to Kenya’s democratic and economic development that has spanned for many years.

According to Imwatok, the national government should applaud such individuals for their roles in shaping Kenya’s political atmosphere when they are alive and not in the event of death.

“Raila fought for a greater democratic space, good governance, rule of law and development of infrastructure against innumerable odds, including detention without trial for 10 years,” Imwatok was quoted as saying then.

Nominated MCA Mary Arivisa, at the time, also petitioned to have Mbagathi Primary School be named after Raila Odinga if the motion was passed by Nairobi’s County assembly but this has yet to be enacted.


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